ADP’s Commissions & Corn Happens! Customs

ADP’s Minimovies will bring your products to life.

In conjunction with Corn Happens! Productions, ADP’s Minimovies will bring your products to life. We offer filmmaking and model assembly/painting services. Commission ADP’s Minimovies today.

ADP’s Commissions

Let us assemble, remodel and paint your gaming miniatures, model trains, toys or anything you can imagine. Let us create stop motion animations for your products, models or services. Have us add visual effects to your current videos and photos and add life to your products.

Commissioned Services
  1. Tabletop gaming, scale trains and model assembly and painting
  2. Stop Motion Animation for your services and products
  3. Visual effects for your videos and Instagram posts
  4. Product promotions and commercials
  5. Animated Unboxing videos
  6. Photoshop image enhancement

Film-Making Services

  1. Scripting writing
  2. Stop motion unboxing videos
  3. Stop motion animation stories
  4. Visual effects
  5. Sound effects
  6. Video editing

Film-making Commissions

Are you looking to create a film to highlight a specific interest, hobby or business? Do you have a story to tell? Let us assist you with creating a complete film from start to finish or just a specific portion of your film.


Just how I envisioned. New and improved Johnson & Johnson, thanks to ADPSminimovies!
